Saturday, October 31, 2015


Just a quick update friends... 10-31 Another rough day today, not much food. We've been petitioning the Lord to send relief of her nausea and to get back to building back up... Please join us in praying that Christine can be free of nausea and start gaining weight again... A long road ahead... We were at 87 lbs yesterday.... Thank you all!!!!

Praying for Christine around the World!
Click on the map to show where you are praying from!!!

Just made the map public, so anyone can add their location. Don't need a Google account...

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Still a day to day battle...

Oct 29, 1pm

Dear Friends, Greetings all...

Each day has it's ups and downs.  Nausea is a daily issue, but she is fighting through it to get food into herself, and we are working on integrating supplements back into Christine's diet.

A few days ago Christine had a really rough time, with nausea, vomiting, etc...  She's powered through that and working on keeping up her food & drink intake...

We expect to have a Physical Therapist come in today, which will help build muscle & cause HGH (Human Growth Hormone) which will help all around...

It's been nice for me, Dad, to be home full time and focus on Christine & Bambine, (Grandma & I alternate) but days go by and we wonder what happened...  Spent 2 hours last night trying to get Bambine off to sleep.  Lot's of teeth coming in...  Doesn't leave much time for bill paying, paperwork, and keeping you all updated... Once we get her recovering and building up strength and weight I'll start getting back into freelance video production...  If you need a commercial, docutmentary, training video or TV show, please let me know, that's what I do...

World Wide Prayer Map - Click on where you are!

I created a map so you can login to your Google account,  if you have one (Gmail, Google + or Youtube..) and click on the map to add a point where you're praying from.

It's a HUGE encouragement to Christine
and a very visual representation of how you all are lifting her up and supporting her in this battle.

If you don't have a google account let me know where you are and I can add your location, with or without your name.....

I would love to have the map covered with points around the world (including Antarctica, Greenland and all the places not filled) so please share with your friends around the globe!!!!

Click on the map to go to the interactive map and add your marker!!!

 Philippians 4:7 
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Thank God for that peace!  It's truly remarkable!

Thank you all again and again for your support through this time

Going for a walk with Conrad, the "restraining monkey..."  :)

Mom getting some fresh air in the backyard a few days ago.

Happy as a clam in his swing...

Going for a "walk"/sit down play in the dirt....

Folks have asked if there's a way to give online...  Here's a link.  Thanks so much!
Christine Mitton Cancer Fight

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

An update from Christine

Oct 28 9 am. 

An update from Christine:

It overwhelms and moves me to receive your connections with us.

Thank you all for your prayers, your gifts, your cards, your visits, your love, and your care.  

We love and appreciate you all. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Where did 5 days go?

Hello Everyone,

Well, how did 5 days disappear?  And why am I always typing these updates in the wee hours?

First off, Christine is doing fairly well.  She has been much better the last three + days, with the nausea and the... well, you know - not keeping food down... and is eating more and more solid food..  She had a T-Bone for dinner, barely left us any...  :0

Life continues here at a semi-hectic pace.  There's a lot to be done with 3 adults, 2 cats, and 1 very powerful 15 month old....  Lots of visitors too...

I also left my job last Friday so I can devote all my attention here at home and work on getting Christine better, and more quickly.  She is my primary focus, nothing is more important, except the Lord.

We need to get more nutrition into her, and build her strength and her weight back up, bring back in supplements to help with her immune system, and all the other systems as well.

Perhaps the biggest decision in front of us right now is how to proceed.  We need to find an Oncologist who will monitor her, and then find a treatment that will assist in the healing.

Please pray for wisdom on how & where to proceed.

Again friends, I have to say a very big thank you to each one of you for helping us through this!  God Bless you!

More sooner than later!


P, C & E

A very special Teddy Bear from a special friend and their Church.  The bear lived at the church for a while and heard all the singing, and prayers being lifted up for Christine.  

Bambine out for a swing with Mama...

Ready for a drive....
Folks have asked if there's a way to give online...  Here's a link.  Thanks so much!

Christine Mitton Cancer Fight

Saturday, October 17, 2015

A protein shake and a smoothie...

Update: 10:40pm Oct. 17-15

I want to let you know that your prayers are working... Christine asked for her "Dark Chocolate" Organic Valley Protein drink (it tastes great) earlier this evening, and then drank a pretty good portion of a blueberry smoothie that her mom made. She's now resting comfortably.

Praying for a good night and more food tomorrow!
A big thank you to each one of you individually!!! Wish I had the time to personally thank you, but know as I read through your posts, and those that hit the like button, I thank God for each one of you. Your comments lift me up so much!!!!! I feel enveloped in Love!

You guys, from all throughout my life, are a special treasure to me, especially in this trial...

Love you, each and every one!!!

Stopping the nausea & weight loss....

A quick update....

Christine came home from the hospital 2 weeks ago.  While in Hospital the Dr.s didn't give her much hope, and suggested withdrawing the IV's, and letting her go...  Um, NO!  The next day she powered through the extra strong pain meds to respond to the Dr.s commands, and he suggested we get her home...  She improved over the next week...  Using her walker to get herself out of our bed and use the bathroom, and talking as normal...

This week she has started to have a lot of nausea, and not able to keep food down.  She started this week at 95lbs, and now is down to 91.5....

We need to stop this decline, urgently!!!!!!!

Please pray hard for relief from nausea, increase of appetite, and freedom from fear of throwing up.... and stopping it completely...

This has always been about a miraculous healing.  I thought we had been to the edge in the hospital, as Christine asked the Lord to "take her deeper."  I'm praying not too much deeper...

Thank you dear friends for standing with us, 

Love, P, C, & E

Christine's Brother, Matt came down for a visit last week!  So good to have him with us!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ups and Downs...

Greetings Prayer Warriors,

Well we sure could use your prayers today and going forward. It's been a rough few days as Christine has been having a hard time keeping food down. She was 95 pounds on the scale Tuesday and now she's down the 91.5. 

Obviously this is weighing on my heart and mind heavily right now.  Christine is tired, her body is tired, and she's fighting a hard battle and we're not done.  We are ramping it up on our end, praying more and more, and we appreciate your prayers!

After her miraculous bounce back from the verge of being disconnected two weeks ago she is doing amazingly well, and we believe for and need the full healing to kick in for her to be able to keep food down.

So these are the challenges the last few days and we praise God for his provision and we thank you all for your standing with us in prayer.  We ask you to continue those prayers and pray specifically that her system would calm down and she would be able to keep food down and go from strength to strength building up her body again.

Thank you all again.  We appreciate you all so very much!!!!

Much Love & Blessings to each one of you,

Paul, Christine and Bambine. 

Bambine pushing a stick.  Grandma & neighbor Debbie chatting with Christine in the background.

Folks have asked if there's a way to give online...  Here's a link.  Thanks so much!

Christine Mitton Cancer Fight

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Overall better each day! Still a battle!

Dear Friends

So look who's bright eye'd and chatty today!

Your prayers are working!  Thank you friends for standing with us in prayer.

The Midline failed a few days ago, so no more IV's under her current care plan.  It's a daily battle for Christine to eat & drink enough.  We have to get her fed & hydrated by mouth.  Thankfully she's doing fairly well and her stomach is cooperating mostly, but not always...  Pain comes back from time to time also.

Mornings are better than afternoons & evenings, and we will have to schedule visiting hours so she doesn't miss meals, and gets enough rest.  10-11am & 1-3pm.  Please call or text first. It all takes a toll if there's too much going on.

My team at my office have set up a meal train where folks bring food Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and that is a HUGE help!!!!

Her mental state has improved and conversations are better and full.  Pretty good for someone the Dr.s' had no hope for and gave her a week, wanted to unplug her and let her dry up.  Still can't believe they suggested that...

Dad & Grandma are pretty tired caring for her and a rather needy & fussy Bambine...  It's full time job for both of us, but we're a good team!

So we have a ways to go yet, but we appreciate and covet your prayers!!!  They sustain us!

Isaiah 43:26 Take Me to court; let us argue our case together. State your case, so that you may be vindicated. 

I did.  I stated my case for a 47 year old woman who gave birth naturally to a perfect baby boy, and then a year later entered the battle of her life.  She will be a great testifier of His saving, healing power!


P, C, & E

Folks have asked if there's a way to give online...  Here's a link.  Thanks so much!
Christine Mitton Cancer Fight
Visitors in recent days...

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Vitamin D

So this happened today.. Twice!!!!

Hey Gang, been off the radar for a few days…  Couple of rough nights, seeing things… saying stuff… "get your father out of the box…." BUT, she has been asking me to take her to the bathroom…  From what was lifting her up and moving her around is now, she stands up, and walks herself holding my arm….  She's one tough cookie.

She's doing better each day.  Exponentially better each day.

Had a clogged IV line last night, but a heating pad brought it back, and then it's happened again tonight...  She is getting a lot of fluids and some solid food today by mouth, so it's not a huge problem, just nice for her to get fluids while sleeping...  Praying that it's working tomorrow.

She's still extremely weak and mostly on a liquid diet which again is an improvement over the hospital as she was only getting IVs for 7 days and basically starving.

We're believing she has been healed & now must begin the restoration process, which will take time, and we'll know more as we go.

Please pray and share as much as you can.  I would like to get every continent praying for her!  Does anyone know somebody in Antarctica that can pray?

Thank you sincerely friends for standing with us in prayer through this...

Folks have asked if there's a way to give online...  Here's a link.  Thanks so much!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin...

It's been pretty amazing, this ride in the last five months and in many ways actually really good, healing and faith building!

Seen some amazing miraculous things happening just in the last few days including mama getting out of bed today  into a wheelchair and sitting up and eating soup!!!  Even using the bathroom.. She says " I told you I had to go.."

And a lot of talking, something the doctor said she wouldn't be able to do. 

When it was time to get back in bed she wanted to do it herself and wasn't happy that I helped.  Thumped me in the arm a couple times.  My girl's a fighter!!!!!

Shes had minimal pain meds since being home.  That's exciting that she doesn't need as much, and is able to wake up, not being so drugged up.  

Please pray specifically for the lump in her right breast (the start of all this) to GET OUT!!!

Please share this with anyone who would pray.  Thank Uou for your faithful prayers!!

Praise God for his healing power!  He remains true to his Word :-)

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Saturday morning excitement!

11:45 AM October 3, 2015

Hey guys I am voice texting this as I drive to pick up some supplies so please forgive any typos or poor punctuation :-) but I wanted to share what's going on

This morning after getting some things rolling I came back into the den where mama is set up in her bed and she's on her side with her eyes open smiling at her little guy and talking with him. Amazing!

Grandma was talking with her a little bit later and asked if she wanted some coffee and she said yes so she took coffee by a straw big :-)

And then about an hour ago I asked her if she'd like some soup she told me to "go get your breakfast so I can have mine."  Wow!!!

Thank you all again for your prayers. 

A full house again!!

3:10 AM Saturday morning

It's a king size bed, I'm on the very left side, any further left and fall out of it, and then there's Joseph keeping keeping me warm, or is it sucking the heat from me, then Bambine sprawled sideways across what's left of the king-size bed. I wish I could say the rhythmic beating of the oxygen was wafting me off to sleep but it's not. What's more important is who it's connected to :-)

Mom is home and that is wonderful news!!!!

Please pray that today, Saturday we can get some food into her and get her strength back up.

Now begins the full-time caregiving once again which is OK, I don't mind at all.  You do what you have to do. 

I was impressed last night watching one of the nursing assistants changing out her sheets and cleaning her & doing it with such precision and energy that it encouraged me for what I have before me :-)

Her pain meds here at home are considerably less and she seems to be doing better overall. She is very weak and when she does communicate sometimes it's hard to understand what she's trying to say which I believe is a frustration for both of us. So again please pray that the healing is already begun and we just need to get some food into her. 

Dear friends from all over my life, I want to say how much I appreciate your continued encouragement, your kind words, and your standing with us & continuing with us on this long road in prayer. You raise me up so much I can't tell you!! (Cue Josh Groban - yes we listen to Josh, he's awesome!! He sings to Bambine)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! and blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

More moments of Hope!

Dr. No  called me Thursday morning and said Christine was responding to his commands to stick out her tongue and move her arm and he was very excited. 

He said several times "this is nothing that we have done"

He wants to get her home as soon as we can as he feels she do better there. 

We do need to transition her from IV support drips, to fluids and food by mouth, as the homecare will not do IVs. That's our next step, hopefully Friday we can get her home.

Just working on getting that to happen :-)

Later in the day I asked her to sick out her tongue and she did.  Cleaned it with a swab.  

She is still having pain when the pain meds wear off so they come & dope her up again (They did take her off the stronger dose but by 7pm she was hurting.  One more time they gave it & said no more, so praying she had a good night).   She sleeps because of the pain meds most of the time so we need that healing to take away the pain, get her off the pain meds & back to consciousness. 

I've pushed for nutrition since Tuesday.  Still no feeding tube. He seems reluctant to do this, yet everyday a tray of beef broth, jello, & juices show up. Ah, how bout something she can use???

Uncle Marcus stopped by last night on his way through town. We had a good chat & I appreciate him saying we're doing everything right.  When he said goodbye to Christine she started crying. I don't think she wanted him to go and was probably thinking of her Late Aunt Linda. 

Thank you to all the friends who have stopped by to pray over Christine, 2 groups from Orlando Thursday, u know who u are.  It is tiring for me with seemingly non stop visitors. If you do come please don't linger.  I was at the hospital from 11-8 & was exhausted.  It was pretty much non stop.  Talking with Dr.s, Nurses, the IV team, Home Care folks, Hospital prayer people, and visitors. If you do come please don't linger.  Spend some time, pray, and then go. :)

A big Thank you to Grandma for letting me stay so long & taking care of Bamibe with the help of Kelsea our babysitter.  That's where we can really use help is at home, keeping the 15 month old occupied.  

Last night when I said good night to my sweet bride I said "I love you" and she whispered "I love you too!"  and gave me a kiss.