Saturday, October 3, 2015

A full house again!!

3:10 AM Saturday morning

It's a king size bed, I'm on the very left side, any further left and fall out of it, and then there's Joseph keeping keeping me warm, or is it sucking the heat from me, then Bambine sprawled sideways across what's left of the king-size bed. I wish I could say the rhythmic beating of the oxygen was wafting me off to sleep but it's not. What's more important is who it's connected to :-)

Mom is home and that is wonderful news!!!!

Please pray that today, Saturday we can get some food into her and get her strength back up.

Now begins the full-time caregiving once again which is OK, I don't mind at all.  You do what you have to do. 

I was impressed last night watching one of the nursing assistants changing out her sheets and cleaning her & doing it with such precision and energy that it encouraged me for what I have before me :-)

Her pain meds here at home are considerably less and she seems to be doing better overall. She is very weak and when she does communicate sometimes it's hard to understand what she's trying to say which I believe is a frustration for both of us. So again please pray that the healing is already begun and we just need to get some food into her. 

Dear friends from all over my life, I want to say how much I appreciate your continued encouragement, your kind words, and your standing with us & continuing with us on this long road in prayer. You raise me up so much I can't tell you!! (Cue Josh Groban - yes we listen to Josh, he's awesome!! He sings to Bambine)

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! and blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ!!

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