So look who's bright eye'd and chatty today!
Your prayers are working! Thank you friends for standing with us in prayer.
The Midline failed a few days ago, so no more IV's under her current care plan. It's a daily battle for Christine to eat & drink enough. We have to get her fed & hydrated by mouth. Thankfully she's doing fairly well and her stomach is cooperating mostly, but not always... Pain comes back from time to time also.
Mornings are better than afternoons & evenings, and we will have to schedule visiting hours so she doesn't miss meals, and gets enough rest. 10-11am & 1-3pm. Please call or text first. It all takes a toll if there's too much going on.
My team at my office have set up a meal train where folks bring food Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and that is a HUGE help!!!!
Her mental state has improved and conversations are better and full. Pretty good for someone the Dr.s' had no hope for and gave her a week, wanted to unplug her and let her dry up. Still can't believe they suggested that...
Dad & Grandma are pretty tired caring for her and a rather needy & fussy Bambine... It's full time job for both of us, but we're a good team!
So we have a ways to go yet, but we appreciate and covet your prayers!!! They sustain us!
Isaiah 43:26 Take Me to court; let us argue our case together. State your case, so that you may be vindicated.
I did. I stated my case for a 47 year old woman who gave birth naturally to a perfect baby boy, and then a year later entered the battle of her life. She will be a great testifier of His saving, healing power!
P, C, & E
Folks have asked if there's a way to give online... Here's a link. Thanks so much!
Christine Mitton Cancer Fight
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