Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Dear Friends,

So it's about 24 hours since my last note…

I spent the night with her last night in the hospital room as she was so weak, couldn't even pickup a water cup… and stayed till 1pm.  I was with her about 22 hours…

She was and is very weak, and difficult to hear her when she would talk.. not always making sense.  Probably from the high calcium & lack of hydration, etc…  Not about to get out of bed now for the first time since this all started.

Calcium was up to 15.5 when she arrived, Down to 15.1 by about 8am…

Pneumonia - they think in the lining of the lungs.  Antibiotics given overnight & today.

Lots of other stuff going in, Potassium, Diarrhetic, anti-anxiety, anti-seiure, but thankfully with all the IV's & liquid meds she's processing it, so that's very good!  Good flush.

Her "old" oncologist walked into her room this morning, I about fell over…  He's not optimistic, but never really has been, wants to do more anti-calcium drugs...

Best news is they put a Picc Line in which is a port that goes to her heart.  They will use it for NUTRITION!!!!!  Praise God!!!  She has been behind the nutrition curve for close to 2 months.  This is encouraging!!!!

Please pray for:
- building back up her strength from the nutrition
- cancer would go away…
- get off all the pharmaceuticals
- move on to more natural treatments

We're hoping to get her up to the clinic in Georgia for the mineral & supportive IV's, and then to a clinic in NC to fight the cancer and get rid of it..  So we need her strength up and for her to be able to eat and keep her strength up.

Of course if the Lord wanted to step in and wipe it all away, we'll go with that.

It's alway been about HIM healing her.  We're just praying for the direction…

A little look back across the last year or so...

Feb. 2015

April 2015

April 2015

April 2015

April 20 2015

May 5 2015

Mothers Day 2015

June 28
Add caption
July 12

On the Road to Georgia
Look Ma, no walker!

A room full of hope & healthy IV's
July 28
August 21

August 22
August 22
September 19
November 10
Ephesians 320Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,21to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

Folks have asked if there's a way to give online...  Here's a link.  Thanks so much!
Christine Mitton Cancer Fight


  1. Dear Lord Jesus Christ, you healed people by them just touching your cloak. You raised many from the dead. You made the blind see and the lame walk. Please Lord, send your healing touch to Christine and heal her as you have healed so many before her.
    We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

  2. I am looking forward to being free from the limits of time. Miss you brother.
